CoRe Lab

The Cognitive Reasoning (CoRe) Lab is affiliated with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at PKU. Our projects span three directions:

  • Abstract Reasoning: analogy, causality, IQ, number sense, physics, and tool-use.
  • Visually Grounded Reasoning: affordance, container, functionality, hoi, intent, scene parsing, scene reconstruction, and scene synthesis.
  • Interactive Reasoning: communication, manipulation, TAMP, teaming, UAV, VR, and XAI.


  • [June 2024] Two papers accepted to IROS 24 (oral pitch), one RA-L paper transferred to IROS 24 (oral).
  • [October 2023] Five papers accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
  • [September 2023] Prof. Federico Rossano and Prof. Anne E. C. White from UCSD gave three lectures on property, conversational analysis, and communication for Tong Class students.
  • [August 2023] Two papers accepted to ICCV 2023.
  • [July 2023] One paper accepted to IROS 2023.
  • [June 2023] One paper accepted to ACL 2023 Demo.
  • [April 2023] Two papers accepted to ICML 2023.
  • [April 2023] Guangyuan Jiang is awarded as Yuanpei Fellow.
  • [April 2023] One paper accepted to AIR 2022.
  • [March 2023] One paper accepted to CVPR 2023.
  • [Febuary 2023] Two papers accepted to ICRA 2023.
  • [Febuary 2023] Two papers accepted to ICLR 2023.
  • [January 2023] One paper accepted to Engineering.