[ECCV24] Zero-Shot Image Feature Consensus with Deep Functional Maps


Correspondences emerge from large-scale vision models trained for generative and discriminative tasks. This has been revealed and benchmarked by computing correspondence maps between pairs of images, using nearest neighbors on the feature grids. Existing work has attempted to improve the quality of these correspondence maps by carefully mixing features from different sources, such as by combining the features of different layers or networks. We point out that a better correspondence strategy is available, which directly imposes structure on the correspondence field: the functional map. Wielding this simple mathematical tool, we lift the correspondence problem from the pixel space to the function space and directly optimize for mappings that are globally coherent. We demonstrate that our technique yields correspondences that are not only smoother but also more accurate, with the possibility of better reflecting the knowledge embedded in the large-scale vision models that we are studying. Our approach sets a new state-of-the-art on various dense correspondence tasks. We also demonstrate our effectiveness in keypoint correspondence and affordance map transfer.

In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision
Xinle Cheng
Xinle Cheng
Undergrad '21

I am a sophomore at Peking University, majoring in Computer Science. My research interests include Generative Model, Autoencoder, and Graph Neural Network.

Yixin Zhu
Yixin Zhu
Assistant Professor

I build humanlike AI.
