[ICRA20] Joint Inference of States, Robot Knowledge, and Human (False-)Beliefs

Left: Illustration of the classic Sally-Anne test. Middle and Right: Two different types of false-belief scenarios in our dataset: belief test and helping test.


Aiming to understand how human (false-)belief—a core socio-cognitive ability—would affect human interactions with robots, this paper proposes to adopt a graphical model to unify the representation of object states, robot knowledge, and human (false-)beliefs. Specifically, a parse graph (PG) is learned from a single-view spatiotemporal parsing by aggregating various object states along the time; such a learned representation is accumulated as the robot’s knowledge. An inference algorithm is derived to fuse individual PG from all robots across multi-views into a joint PG, which affords more effective reasoning and inference capability to overcome the errors originated from a single view. In the experiments, through the joint inference over PGs, the system correctly recognizes human (false-)belief in various settings and achieves better cross-view accuracy on a challenging small object tracking dataset.

In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Hangxin Liu
Hangxin Liu
Research Scientist
Lifeng Fan
Lifeng Fan
Research Scientist
Zilong Zheng
Zilong Zheng
Research Scientist
Yixin Zhu
Yixin Zhu
Assistant Professor

I build humanlike AI.
