[IROS17] Feeling the Force: Integrating Force and Pose for Fluent Discovery through Imitation Learning to Open Medicine Bottles

Given a RGB-D-based image sequence (a), although we can infer the skeleton of hand using vision-based methods (b), such knowledge cannot be easily transferred to a robot to open a medicine bottle (c ), due to the lack of force sensing during human demonstrations. In this work, we utilize a tactile glove (d) and reconstruct both forces and poses from human demonstrations (e), enabling robot to directly observe forces used in demonstrations so that the robot can successfully open a medicine bottle (f).


Learning complex robot manipulation policies for real-world objects is challenging, often requiring significant tuning within controlled environments. In this paper, we learn a manipulation model to execute tasks with multiple stages and variable structure, which typically are not suitable for most robot manipulation approaches. The model is learned from human demonstration using a tactile glove that measures both hand pose and contact forces. The tactile glove enables observation of visually latent changes in the scene, specifically the forces imposed to unlock the child-safety mechanisms of medicine bottles. From these observations, we learn an action planner through both a top-down stochastic grammar model (And-Or graph) to represent the compositional nature of the task sequence and a bottom-up discriminative model from the observed poses and forces. These two terms are combined during planning to select the next optimal action. We present a method for transferring this human-specific knowledge onto a robot platform and demonstrate that the robot can perform successful manipulations of unseen objects with similar task structure.

In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Feng Gao
Feng Gao
Applied Scientist
Hangxin Liu
Hangxin Liu
Research Scientist
Siyuan Qi
Siyuan Qi
Research Scientist
Yixin Zhu
Yixin Zhu
Assistant Professor

I build humanlike AI.

Song-Chun Zhu
Song-Chun Zhu
Chair Professor
